Founded in 2000, PND is one of the leading manufacturers of fruit processing machinery. The company has invested in innovation, specializing in the design and development of advanced systems for the canning, frozen and dehydrated industries.
Our machinery is able to peel, core and cut (in slices, chunks, wedges, sticks, rings, cylinders) different fruits like pineapples, melons, mangos, apples, pears, kiwis, peaches, strawberrys, oranges, citrus, butternut squash. Moreover, it is possible to cut products like potatoes, tomatoes, mushrooms, eggplants, courgettes, carrots etc…
Our motto is: Tailored Technologies in according with client needs.
Relying on PND means receiving ad-hoc assistance, using specialised technicians with mastery of several languages, and enjoying on-site support in Europe, the United States, Mexico, Chile, Peru, South Korea, Australia, South Africa, and India.
When installing the machine, we guarantee the presence of a suitably trained expert. An assumption of responsibility that is a guarantee for the customer, who will be assisted from the design to the commissioning of the machine.
PND is constantly striving to eliminate distances and waiting times. We take care of sending any spare parts even 24 hours after the order has been placed and provide telephone and online support. If the problem cannot be solved remotely, we will send a specialist technician within 48 hours.
Click the following links to see the catalogues:
- 01.Catalogo-PND_compressed (4 MB)
- 02. Technical data sheet - PREWASHING TANK (2 MB)
- 03. Technical data sheet - PINCYL8 (738 kB)
- 04. Technical data sheet - PL1D 2D 4D (3 MB)
- 05. Technicial data sheet - PL4M 6M 8M (340 kB)
- 06. Technical data sheet - SS8 (3 MB)
- 07. Technical data sheet - SS8 Maxi (803 kB)
- 08. Technical data sheet - PL (860 kB)
- 09. Technical data sheet - DF12 DF24 (850 kB)
- 10. Tecnical data sheet - DIP TANK (707 kB)
Promo Video
Export Manager Daniele Mercurio
- Mail :
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- Whatsapp: +39 329 7273203
Representative Office
- Phone : +971 43216260
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- Whatsapp: +971 565537090